For Authors
Instructions for Authors
International Journal of New Scientific Exploration in Technolog (IJNSET) welcome research papers, case studies, survey papers, academic article, scholarly article, scholarly article, survey paper publication, review paper publication and on the subject related to applied sciences and engineering technology.
The article is submitted to a journal, it is assumed that it has never been published in another way and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
All research papers must be in IJNSET format.
All manuscript should be in grammatically correct for proper referring and fast publication.
You can download the IJNSET paper format from given link: IJNSET Paper format.
The manuscript submitted in IJNSET will be reviewed anonymously by subject experts in the particular area.
Your paper’s keywords may be used to help match appropriate reviewers.
After peer review and review by the Editorial Board, you will receive evaluation results which will be sent to email of corresponding author.